Date Selector

The Date Selector is a fully featured Swing based component for allowing graphical selection of dates and/or ranges of dates via a GUI component. It supports all of the calendar systems currently defined in Joda Time, all standard time zones and Locales.






See the Date Selector demonstration running in an Applet


This software is released under the GNU GPLv3 license


Download the DateSelector package


  1. Java 1.6
  2. Joda Time jar v1.6

Factory Methods

Both classes have factory methods for creating dialogs, popups and for registering popup-on-hover functionality on the owning component. Additionally the components which ultimately extend JPanel can be embedded directly in to a GUI.

DateSelector Dialog

DateSelector Dialog

DateSelector Popup

DateSelector Popup


The following examples all refer to the DateSelector class but are equally applicable to the IntervalSelector class.

Creating a Basic Date Selector Dialog

Displaying a basic DateSelector dialog is as simple as follows:

DateTime d =, date);

This will create a modal dialog to display a DateSelector object initially displaying the date specified in the 'date' variable. The DateSelector will display the calendar system (chronology) used by the 'date' DateTime object. The dialog will display relative to the location of the component specified in the 'component' variable. If the dialog is closed through the 'OK' button the currently selected date is returned. If the 'Cancel' button is pressed 'null' is returned.

To specify the Locale of the DateSelector use the show method that also takes a Locale argument otherwise the default Locale is used.

Creating a Basic Date Selector Popup

Displaying a basic DateSelector popup is as simple as follows:

PopupDateSelector popup = DateSelector.createPopup(component, date);
DateTime d = popup.getSelectedDate();

This will create a modal undecorated dialog to display a DateSelector object initially displaying the date specified in the 'date' variable. The DateSelector will display the calendar system (chronology) used by the 'date' DateTime object. The dialog will display relative to the location of the component specified in the 'component' variable. Once a date is selected the popup will close. If the 'Escape' key is pressed the panel will close and getSelectedDate will return null.

Creating a Basic Popup on Hover Date Selector

The popup on hover functionality registers a listener with the given component to determine when the mouse has hovered on the component. When this is detected a DateSelector popup will automatically appear.

Registering a component for 'popup on hover' is as simple as follows:

listener = new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            selectedDate = ((DateSelector)e.getSource()).getSelectedDate();
            your code here

DateSelector.setPopupOnHoverForComponent(component, date, listener)

This will create a modal undecorated dialog to display a DateSelector object initially displaying the date specified in the 'date' variable. The DateSelector will display the calendar system (chronology) used by the 'date' DateTime object. The dialog will display relative to the location of the component specified in the 'component' variable. Once a date is selected the popup will close and the listener will be called. If the 'Escape' key is pressed the panel will close but the listener will not be called.

To remove the popup on hover functionality call the removePopupOnHoverFromComponent with the component it was originally register with ie:


Creating an Embedded Date Selector Panel

DateSelector ultimately extends JPanel so an object of type DateSelector can simply be instantiated and added to a GUI in exactly the same way as you would add any other Swing component.

Embedding a DateSelector panel is as simple as follows:

DateSelector datePanel = new DateSelector(date, false);

This will create a basic DateSelector object initially displaying the date specified in the 'date' variable. The DateSelector will display the calendar system (chronology) used by the 'date' DateTime object.

Configuring a Date Selector Panel

The DateSelector can be configured to change the detail displayed such as switching off week numbers, day names, leading and trailing days etc. Listeners can also be added to receive event notification when the date changes and/or when a day button is selected.

The show(..) and createPopup(..) factory methods are provided that directly take a DateSelector object to allow easy configuration before creating the display Window.

An example of configuring a DateSelector object follows:

DateSelector ds = new DateSelector(date, true);

panel.addDateChangedListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
        // a new date has been selected
        selectedDate = ((DateSelector)e.getSource()).getSelectedDate();
        your code here
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